
I think these so-called psychology

experts are demonizing winners, and I realize the allure to side with the socialist movement, but it's really, really, bad for America and our future.Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. Besides by training together and perfecting your play Air Max France Pas Cher,in practice, that develops the very same skills as the socialist leaning psychologists say is important for self-esteem.The psychologists tell us it is damaging if you do not put the children first, above winning? But who says that teaching them to win, succeed and overcome is not putting their development of personal character first? After all, putting players first or employees first is how you win and that is a strategy in and of itself, so, I do not understand the de-emphasis on winning.Don't these child development specialists believe that people should be allowed to win? Or are they of the concept that everyone is a winner merely for playing? Because, quite frankly that is not true and if we reward losing we are rewarding failure and that is exactly what you'll get more of. Something is terribly wrong in America, it appears that we are too often de-emphasizing the importance of winning. Why? The kids are well aware of which team is winning.And what's wrong with winning anyway Nike Air Max 2009 Femme - that is the reason for playing. In Junior High School often they do not keep score any longer. You should only work for the best, associate with the best, and be the best you can at everything you do without exception, and losing is not okay.Why do they hate winners so much? Why do they hate people like me? I win at everything I do, I don't cheat, I beat cheaters. Failure is not noble, it's not to be rewarded, and it sure as heck isn't a life skill.Focusing on effort is good, but too the goal isChaussures Timberland Femme to achieve. Personal bests during a game, stats, goals, etc, are achievement. Effort alone is not good enough in the real world and too many people lose in life, because they claim to have given it a good try or their best efforts and use that as a cop-out, generally they do not actually give their best efforts, they just say they did.Everyone should do the best in everything they do. This is prevalent in youth sports and it is rising to alarming levels. It's not okay. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/..

