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Walks are great training opportunities, too. Tearing their toys to shreds is all part of the
game. They're much more than just bathroom breaks for your dog.Make sure your dog has
plenty of toys. Play with him and reward him when he responds to you, instead
of whatever is scaring him.Provide a place where your dog feels safe during a scary
situation. Rotate them so he always has something new to interest him. This is natural
dog behavior. They chew on things and pick them up in their mouths to shake
them, thereby "killing" them. If he gets your attention, whether it's good or bad, he's
been rewarded for what he's been doing.Give your dog lots of positive attention. Play fetch
with him. You're rewarding his behavior with your attention, which will only serve to reinforce
it. Play with him, take him for walks, just spend time with him. Unfortunately, his
idea of fun often involves destroying things, especially if he's a puppy or Tn Requin adolescent, and
he doesn't have anything else to do to use up all his energy.What's the solution?
Get your dog plenty of exercise. Your dog has a panic attack whenever you leave
him by himself. A good dog training course is essential so that you can learn
how to end destructive dog behavior without making the situation worse.Darlene Norris has worked at
a vet clinic and an animal shelter, and has had lots of experience with dogs.
He's doing it because he's scared; punishing him will add to the problem.Separation anxiety in
dogs is a tough problem to solve, but with lots of time and patience, you
can desensitize your dog so he doesn't react so strongly to your leaving.Your Dog Wants
Your Attention...And he will do anything to get it, even if the attention is bad.
The problem starts when it's your things the dog is playing with, not his own.A
bored dog that's left by himself too much with nothing to Nike Requin do will usually find
something to do. A dog who doesn't get much attention unless he misbehaves is a
dog who's being trained to misbehave.It's a hard thing to understand, but dogs are reward-based.
Toys that can be stuffed with food will keep your dog happily occupied for a
long time.Separation Anxiety In DogsThis problem often shows up with dogs who are too attached
to their owners. Has this ever happened to you? You come home to find that
your dog has been chewing on your favorite shoes--again! If dog chewing problems are a
headache for you, read on to discover the four big reasons for destructive chewing.A Bored
Dog Is A Dog That Will Engage In Destructive Dog BehaviorDogs tend to play rough.
He'll attack doors, door frames, window coverings, screens, and walls, because he's trying to escape
from whatever is frightening him.Don't comfort your dog when he reacts fearfully to things. Go
for long walks, and give your dog plenty of time to sniff at interesting things.
This way he can retreat there when you're absent.To sum up, it's important that you
find and correct the reason for dog chewing problems. Dogs with separation anxiety often chew
on things to comfort and soothe themselves when they're alone. If your dog is getting
lots of good attention from you when he behaves well, he won't resort to destructive
chewing to get your attention.Fearful DogsAnxiety in dog is often a problem with canines who
are scared of loud noises like thunder or fireworks. It makes him feel better.The important
thing to remember is that your dog isn't chewing on your belongings to get back
at you for leaving him alone. The best way to get a dog to stop
doing something is to ignore him when he does it. If you're dealing with dog
chewing problems, visit No More Bad Dogs at http://NoMoreBadDogs.com to learn more about a dog
training course that will help to solve your problem..
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